Papers of BAS

Abstracting / Indexing

Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol. 11, 2024, No. 1

The multivolume Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language -

a significant achievement of modern Bulgarian lexicography

Sia Kolkovska, Diana Blagoeva

Abstract. This article presents the most important lexicographic parameters of the macro- and microstructure of the multivolume academic Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language, which make this edition unique to Bulgarian lexicography in terms of character and scope. With comprehensive descriptions of the lemmas it contains, the Dictionary gives a detailed and representative picture of the Bulgarian lexis of the last two centuries. The article discusses the lexicographic approaches and practices applied in the Dictionary in the presentation of the grammatical, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the lemmas, their synonymy and antonymy relations, collocability, peculiarities of use, derivational and phonetic variants (if such are available), as well as their etymology (in the case of words of foreign origin).

Keywords: lexicography, monolingual dictionary, Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language, lexicographic parameters