Papers of BAS

Guide for Authors

Instructions to authors

The journal Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences publishes works with topics in the field of the humanities and social sciences, written by scholars from Bulgaria and other countries. The journal is published in English in a paper version and in electronic form.

The articles must present new, hitherto unpublished scientific knowledge, facts and generalizations of a theoretical, analytical and applied character. The manuscripts must be prepared in Bulgarian or in English.

Each article is peer-reviewed by two separate anonymous reviewers.

Manuscripts (text of article, including references, an abstract and keywords, tables and illustrations (if any) and accompanying texts) are to be sent to the email address given at the end. The text of each article, together with the references to cited literature, should not exceed 40,000 characters with spaces, and the abstract, with a maximum of 5 keywords, should be approximately 900 characters with spaces. The number of cited titles should not exceed 25, and the number of tables and illustrations (if any) should not exceed 6. The name of the author (authors) is placed under the title, and the author’s affiliation, including the email address, at the end of the article.

Texts are formatted in MS Word, in font Times New Roman, Regular, 12 pt. Explanatory notes are designated with an index in the text and placed as footnotes, 10pt. For quotations in Ancient Greek/Byzantine Greek, the fonts to be used are Tms Gk Classic, Tms Gk Old, Tms Gk, Palatino Linotype; for quotations in Old Bulgarian/Old Slavonic, the fonts are Cyrillica Ochrid 1, Cyrillica Ochrid 10, Cyrillica Ochrid 11, Cyrillica Ochrid 21, Cyrillica Bulgarian 10, Cyrillica Bg Epigraph, Cyrillica Ochrid Epigraph; rare fonts used in the text are applied by the authors.

Texts (text of article; references; abstract with keywords; texts for tables and illustrations) are sent in separate files with file extension .docx. Files should be designated by the author’s name (first author) in Latin script and the respective kind of text (article, cited literature, etc.).

Drawings, photographs and other illustrations are designated in the text as figures (abbreviated “fig.”). They may be black and white or coloured (if necessary), but must meet the following requirements:

а) for photographs - files with extension .jpeg or .tiff, are given separately or compressed into a file with extension .rar or .zip. The resolution should be not lower than 300 dpi.

b) for other illustrative content - files with extension .eps or ai, may be given separately or compressed into files with extension .rar or .zip; tables are provided in completed form, each in .docx or .doc file, with designations including the name of the author and the number of the illustration in the text; graphs/diagrams are provided in format .doc / docx or .xls / xlsx at the respective places in case they are to be prepared by the publishers; maps, schemes and diagrams/graphs are provided in separate files in formats .eps, .ai or .cdr, as CMYK, and the texts should be converted to curves. For vector visual material, the use of .eps, .ai or .cdr formats is recommended. For grey halftones or colour visual material, the .tiff format is useful.

The bibliography should contain only titles cited in the article, arranged in alphabetical order according to the family name of the author. Citations are made using the standard academic system (parenthetical / Harvard referencing) in the following specific variants:

For a book: family name of the author (authors) (for this, Latin script is obligatory: if the original is in Cyrillic script, it must be transliterated), year of publication, colon (so far, all in bold face); abbreviated given name and full family name (of the author or all authors, separated by commas), full stop; title of the book, full stop; place of publication, comma, year of publication. In case the book (the monograph) is published in a series, the title of the series is enclosed in parentheses and placed after the title of the book. If the publication is in Cyrillic script, the preceding bibliographic description should be transliterated and placed within parentheses immediately after the original. Examples:

Todorova et al. 1975: Х. Тодорова, С. Иванов, В. Василев, М. Хопф, Х. Квита, Г. Кол. Селищната могила при Голямо Делчево. (Разкопки и проучвания, 5). София, 1975. (H. Todorova, S. Ivanov, V. Vasilev, M. Hopf, H. Kvita, G. Kol. Selishtnata mogila pri Golyamo Delchevo. (Razkopki i prouchvania, 5). Sofia, 1975.)

Parzinger1993: H. Parzinger. Studien zur Chronologie und Kulturgeschichte der Jungstein-, Kupfer- und Frühbronzezeit zwischen Karparten und Mittlerem Taurus. Mainz, 1993.

For a collection: family name of the scientific editor or editors (here, Latin script is obligatory: if the original is in Cyrillic script, it must be transliterated), followed by ed. or eds., enclosed in parentheses, and the year of publication, colon; abbreviated given name and full family name (of all authors, separated by commas), followed by ed. or eds., enclosed in parentheses, full stop; title of the collection, full stop; place of publication, comma, year of publication. In case the collection is published in a series, the title is written after the title of the book. If the publication is in Cyrillic script, the preceding bibliographic description should be transliterated and enclosed in parentheses immediately after the original. Examples:

Guljaev (ed.) 2014: В. И. Гуляев (ред.). На пороге цивилизации и государственности (по археологическим и иным источникам). Москва, 2014. (V. I. Guljaev (red.). Na poroge civilizacii i gosudarstvennosti (po arheologicheskim i inym istochnikam). Moskva, 2014.)

Lichardus (ed.) 1991: J. Lichardus (ed.). Die Kupferzeit als historische Epoche. Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 55. Bonn, 1991.

For a periodical: family name of the author (authors) (here, Latin script is obligatory: if the original is in Cyrillic script, it must be transliterated), year of publication, colon; abbreviated given name and full family name (of all authors), full stop; title of the article, full stop; interval, en dash, interval; title of periodical; if the periodical is a journal - the consecutive number of the volume (if designated), year of publication, the consecutive number of the issue in the year; if it is a yearbook - the number of the volume and the year of publication; pages of the article with an en dash without intervals between them. If the publication is in Cyrillic script, the preceding bibliographic description should be transliterated and enclosed in parentheses immediately following the original. Examples:

Aleksandrov 2009: С. Александров. Украшения за коса от злато и сребро през бронзовата епоха в Северна България. - Археология, 2009, 1-2, 7-20. (S. Aleksandrov. Ukrasheniya za kosa ot zlato i srebro prez bronzovata epoha v Severna Bulgaria. - Arheologia, 2009, 1-2, 7-20.)

Gleser 2011: R. Gleser. Radiokarbondaten aus Drama: Stand der Forschungen bis zum Jahre 2010. - Studia praehistorica, 14, 2011, 177-204.

For an article in a collection: family name of the author (authors) (here, Latin script is obligatory: if the original is in Cyrillic script, it must be transliterated), year of publication, colon; abbreviated given name and full family name (of all authors), full stop; title of the article, full stop; interval, en dash, interval, B followed by colon or, if the collection is in Latin script, In followed by colon, interval; abbreviated given name and full family name of the collection’s scientific editor (or editors); respectively, within parentheses, ред., ed. or eds., full stop; title of the collection; full stop; place of publication, comma; year of publication; pages of the article with an en dash without intervals between them. If the publication is in Cyrillic script, the preceding bibliographic description should be transliterated and placed in parentheses immediately after the original. Examples:

Lichter 2004: C. Lichter. Raumnutzung und Siedlungsorganisation im neolithischen und kupferzeitlichen Thrakien und umliegenden Regionen. - In: V. Nikolov, K. Bacvarov, P. Kalchev (eds.). Prehistoric Thrace. Sofia, Stara Zagora, 2004, 315-320.

Iliev 2000: И. Илиев. Бронзов нож-кинжал от Попово, Ямболско. - В: В. Николов (ред.). Тракия и съседните райони през неолита и халколита. София, 2000, 147-150. (I. Iliev. Bronzov nozh-kinzhal ot Popovo, Yambolsko. - V: V. Nikolov (red.). Trakia i sasednite rayoni prez neolita i halkolita. Sofia, 2000, 147-150.)

Abbreviations are not to be used for the cited literature.

Electronic sources: publications are cited following the rules given above; Available from: the internet address of the publication [Accessed: Date].

Transliteration into Latin script is done according to the respective rules of languages written in Cyrillic script (Bulgarian: (rules), (example); Russian: (rules), (example); Serbian: (rules), (example).

References to literature is designated in the text using parentheses according to the Harvard system: author’s family name (in Latin script) and the year of publication. For more than three authors, the family name of the first is followed by et al.; comma and the number of the cited page (or pages, divided by an en dash). Example: (Todorova et al. 1975, 72), (Aleksandrov 2009, 14-15).

Following two anonymous peer reviews, the text of the article is reworked in accordance with the corrections and additions recommended by the reviewers. The authors check one proof within the time limit set by the editor. Only corrections of technical mistakes are addmissible; exceptionally, corrections related to new research on the topic are allowed. The authors receive a PDF file of their articles.

Articles prepared according to all the requirements are sent to e-mail: