Ivanka Vlaeva
Papers of BAS, Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 3, No 2, 2016
Ivanka Vlaeva
Abstract: Processes and phenomena from the beginning of the 21st century indicate a huge increase in the role of culture for bringing together people with different traditions. Policies and strategies for culture are developed as a bridge between them. They are a basis of cultural industries. The need for preservation of cultural traditions; conditions for hybrid events; and factors for transformation of culture into a commodity have been created. For that reason, the analyses of cultural (musical) policies and strategies as well as their reflections are very important. The aim of my analyses is to point out models of cultural politics, strategies and cultural diplomacy which are used in cultural industries. The cited sociocultural and financial facts in the study lead to several important conclusions about global markets, based on local regional specifics. Among the research examples are initiatives related to cultural heritage, cultural diversity, cultural tourism, and regional cross-border projects.
Goods and services related to the cultural industries are highly connected with education which also is in the research focus. Exactly the education is one of the main pillars that underpin the cultural industries. Education related to arts, proves once again that it is more necessary in contemporary world and does more than politicians. The dialogue between cultures in a situation of multiplicity, hybridity and mobility can largely be prepared by education in the arts and cultural heritage. Young people have a special place in the study. European analyses on the development of cultural industries and the current situation in the regions of Asia indicate that young people are interested in cultural industries as well as the youth is important for these industries. This part of the economy is open to the young generations – the higher percentage of young employees in this sector in the EU is a fact.
Music is the most direct means of contact with different cultures and contact between them. For its part, the music sector in the cultural industries is among the major developing and the most profitable in recent years with growing importance. Thus, the place and role of music in the cultural industries is observed, too.
Key words: cultural industries, politics, strategies, music, 21st century