Iva Georgieva
Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 7, 2020, No. 1
Pedagogical aspects in the conducting method of Boncho Bochev
Iva Georgieva
Abstract. This article focuses on some aspects of music training in the Bodra Smyana Choir. Along with the generally valid pedagogical principles, we also find distinctive instructional models. They are results of the significant experience, talent, and efforts of the founder of the choir Boncho Bochev. Through systematic and carefully planned activities, he ensured the smooth accumulation of knowledge and the development of the skills of his students. The conductor selected the repertoire and stage performances of the choir regarding the pedagogical tasks. The emotional approach to the song was essential to him, so he created an inspiring atmosphere that encouraged the choristers’ initiative. Many of his principles and approaches are actual today and could be adapted to our contemporary working conditions.
Keywords: children’s choir, choral singing, music pedagogy, aesthetic education