Rumiana Jeleva
Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 7, 2020, No. 1
Sustainable economies: Policies, strategies, practices
Rumiana Jeleva
Abstract. The article introduces some basic conceptions of, and political approaches to, sustainability and sustainable development. Based on an overview of the current scholarly literatures, the author’s analysis focuses on the capacities of entrepreneurs, especially those in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to practice an environment-friendly, economically successful and socially inclusive economy. The article presents in a comparative perspective the results of recent surveys on socially responsible entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices in various European countries. Finally, conclusions are drawn from the study of Bulgarian SMEs and their strategies and practices with regard to sustainable business. The author assumes that in a post-transformation society like the Bulgarian one, different practices of sustainable business behaviour are possible. These practices are local and separate rather than united by a common logic and culture shared by the economic actors. The political orientation and legal regulation of their implementation derive from the European Union.
Keywords: sustainable development, small and medium enterprises, corporate social responsibility