Svetla Koeva
Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 8, 2021, No. 1
The Bulgarian WordNet: Structure and specific features
Svetla Koeva
Abstract. WordNet is a semantic network whose nodes host synsets denoting different concepts and whose arcs, connecting the nodes, encode different types of relations (semantic, morpho-semantic, derivational, extralinguistic). The current paper offers a short overview of the way the Bulgarian WordNet has been constructed with a special focus on the additional information it contains in comparison with the Princeton WordNet. The Bulgarian WordNet embraces in its structure words and multiword expressions from all parts of speech, it possesses an elaborated system of grammatical, lexical and stylistic labels describing the synonyms; it owns a detailed system of semantic classes: nouns are grouped in 256 classes, verbs - in 15 classes (as the Princeton WordNet), adjectives - in 17 classes, and adverbs - in 9 classes; the Bulgarian WordNet is expanded with derivational relations between nouns and verbs and corresponding morpho-semantic relations and with syntagmatic relations by means of Conceptual frames linking sets of verbs with sets of semantically and syntactically compatible nouns.
Keywords: wordnet, Bulgarian WordNet, semantic relations