Papers of BAS

Abstracting / Indexing

Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol. 9, 2022, No. 1

Environmental leadership in start-ups

Momchil Stanishev

Abstract. Nowadays, organizations are facing severe environmental challenges, including global warming, air pollution, oil crisis and water pollution. The society has progressed to emphasize environmental issues and governments have also been implementing stricter environmental regulations, as the impacts will influence business across Europe. In response to pressures from various stakeholders, managers are taking more active involvement to adapt their strategies, total quality environmental management, and in-house green innovation activities to address ecological concerns. To achieve better balance of economic and environmental performance, many corporations have been pushed to be low-carbon and environmentally proactive by carrying out green innovation practices.

We are observing the emergence of a flood of innovative start-ups that promise to have a positive impact on the climate. The topicality and innovation of the concept for start-ups worldwide creates the need for a more in-depth study of the phenomenon. Start-ups dare to position themselves where no established organization is interested and does not dare to pursue opportunities. Taking risk and responsibility in the work of start-ups go hand in hand, especially in times of crises, such as the COVID-19 and the environmental challenges.

Environmental leadership, being essential for the implementation of green innovation practices has received continuous attention from the business sector in recent years, yet few studies have examined its links with the start-ups. The aim of this article is to advance research in the field by investigating the relationship between the role of the environmental leadership and development of start-ups.

Keywords: environment, leadership, start-ups