Volume: 2019, No. 1
Methodological issues in the exploration of prehistoric settlement sites and houses - Vassil Nikolov / 3 / Download.pdf
Archaeological and genetic data suggest Ciscaucasian origin for the Proto-Bulgarians - Todor Chobanov, Svetoslav Stamov / 13 / Download pdf
Language attitudes and the codification of standard linguistic norms - Ruska Stancheva / 32 / Download.pdf
Presenting Asia through early cultural films and the Bulgarian cinema magazine Pathé Week (1914) - Andronika Màrtonova / 49 / Download.pdf
Unmasking the stereotypes used to rationalize the “shadow economy” - Emilia Chengelova / 63 / Download.pdf
Structural changes in the industry of the EU member states - Iskra Christova-Balkanska / 78 / Download.pdf
Inherent consumer innovativeness: Essence, dimensions and gender differences - Tatyana Yordanova / 98 / Download.pdf